Men's violence against women and violence in close relationships

An introductory course on
Men's violence against women and violence in close relationships

Men's violence against women is a serious and widespread societal problem both globally and in Sweden. Having knowledge about violence is important in order to be able to give victims of violence a good response and to be able to work preventively and change attitudes in society. In this course you get an introduction to the subject of men's violence against women and violence in close relationships.

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News and recent course updates.

So far, violence in close relationships has not been a natural part of sociology education and it has been appreciated to gain more understanding and knowledge of the area. It was very rewarding for participants to have the discussions during the group track.

Eva Wallander
Social service worker, social services, Bergs kommun


All employees must take the web course. Exposure to violence is everywhere, in all classes of society, and therefore everyone in our municipality should have the same knowledge about violence in close relationships.

Jonna Welander
Coordinator, VCR team, Karlshamns kommun


When we did the group track, we got a common knowledge base; the conversations flowed easily and the arrangement met with appreciation

Ann Björch
Welfare officer, child and adolescent psychiatry, Region Jämtland/Härjedalen

Using this course


To use the course, you must create an account. The course works on both computer, tablet and mobile phone.


The course takes approximately two to three hours to complete. By creating an account, you can pause and resume at a later time.


You also get content that is adapted to your professional role and your prior knowledge.


You can also do the course in groups. There is a custom group track that you can switch to (in the course) and a manual with ready-made lessons to use.

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